It is not uncommon for cats to hide inside empty boxes lying around in the house. You might be surprised at the sight of your cat having a jolly time curled up in it with little interest in the happenings of the world around it. Thousands of YouTube videos about cats testify to frisky felines happily resting, sleeping, and playing in and with the boxes.
Cats consider boxes safe set-ups as they have one opening, and if anybody tries to attack them, they should confront them face first. This structure of a box allows a cat to stay mentally and physically prepared for any strikes should they ensue, even if it seems to you that the cat is just slumbering.
In a multi-cat household, there are many chances of fur babies arguing over and claiming boxes and other resources. Ensure you have an empty carton ready for each cat, so no furball feels deprived or not cared for. Bring out all those amazon delivery boxes lying in your garage and place them in different corners to avoid brawls.
At the same time, consider being prepared with pet insurance for cats, so every fur baby is assured basic medical care during distressing health scenarios and emergencies. Pet health insurance allows you to provide every furball the medical care it deserves with little financial implications, so contemplate buying a policy.
Meanwhile, read this article to learn why cats love confining themselves to boxes.
1.Assures safety and security
Boxes allow a cat to stealthily attack prey just like the cover many inconspicuous spots offer in the wild while hunting (in the case of domestic cats, prey could be an object or other animals sharing the home). They serve as secret hideouts for cats to take shelter when they suspect some larger animal is scheming on them. Hence, boxes assure safety, comfort, and time to react when ambushed from the front.
2.Allows it to watch the world
Cats can conveniently sit in boxes and watch the ongoings in the house without being seen. Suppose something attractive passes by, like a fun toy, a tasty meal (a rodent or a critter), or a bird; it can instantly pounce on it and coolly retreat into the box with its spoils.
3.Great place to nap and stay warm
Cats sleep for a significant number of hours during the day, which is why they seek comfortable yet safe hideouts where they can sleep peacefully without being apprehensive about sneak attacks. Also, small boxes are cozy and help preserve body heat. If the boxes are made of good insulating materials, then they could be heavy little cat cribs, especially in winter.
4.Helps relieve stress and anxiety
Boxes also help a cat with relieving stress and anxiety that is associated with environmental changes, new additions to the family, or guests arriving home. Provide your furball with this private space so it can take shelter whenever needed and return to activities once it feels safe.
However, know that the pain associated with many physical ailments can also contribute to a munchkin’s stress and cause it to withdraw from social situations. Consider having your cat tested by the vet should you suspect a health issue, and contemplate being prepared with pet health insurance, so getting medical assistance need not be a huge financial burden.
Pet insurance for cats ensures every cat gets the medical care it deserves during distressing health situations at reasonable costs, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy.