You can save up to two-thirds of the interest you pay on your debt by opening a Money Max Account. This online personal finance software keeps an eye on rates and recommends which accounts you should transfer your cash to each month. Once you open a Max account, you can track transfers on your dashboard and request wire transfers. You’ll still be in charge of your account’s funds, so you can access them whenever you want.
The Money Max Account software works by using mathematical algorithms and strategies to optimize your finances. It analyzes your finances, calculates your debt free date, and even helps you eliminate unnecessary credit card debt. It will also cancel the interest charges on your debt. With its help, you can start living debt free faster and get your finances back on track. You won’t be spending as much money on credit cards or other bills as before. And you won’t have to worry about late fees or missed payments.
Using advanced banking strategies, Money Max Account creates a customized financial plan and integrates a dashboard with your financial information. The app also acts like a financial GPS, calculating the fastest route to repay debt and create wealth. It also guides you towards your financial goals, letting you know exactly what to do every step of the way. If you have an HELOC, you won’t have to worry about making late payments.
United Financial Freedom offers a proprietary software for the Money Max Account, which uses mathematical algorithms and strategies to create a scientific plan to pay off debt. You can even set a date in your calendar for your debt-free journey. Although most people do not make a plan for the next several years, it’s possible to turn debt into wealth. By putting your money to work, you can enjoy life on your terms. Forget about making monthly payments and start living debt free. With the money you’ll save, you’ll have more time for what matters most.
The Money Max account charges a membership fee. The fee is calculated as the product of your linked online savings accounts and 0.02%. You may be charged a minimum fee of $6.00 per quarter, which is a good deal if you’re a young saver. In addition to paying a low annual fee, you have the flexibility to deposit and withdraw funds as you see fit. If you don’t have much experience in the financial world, you can also open a Money Max account at Superior Savings Bank and enjoy a monthly statement without the hassle.